Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Mona Lisa Curse

In art critics, Robert Hughes, film documentary entitled "The Mona Lisa Curse" he discusses ways in which art has changed since he fell in love with it in the 1960's. Hughes shows viewers the crowds that gather in New York to see The Mona Lisa when it was first sent over from France at the beginning of his documentary. Hughes comments on the intricate detail of the marvelous painting but soon elaborates on what he calls The Mona Lisa Curse. The documentary portrays the contemporary artwork we see in the world today as over commercialized and inferior to the artwork of the mid 1900's. He explains that artwork today has the ability to make a piece of art as special as The Mona Lisa seem so familiar and deprived of meaning. Hughes’ views can very easily lead to questioning the effectiveness of today’s artwork. Have we gone from truly meaningful art only forty years ago to completely losing sight of what makes it beautiful and unique?  Hughes has a raised some interesting point in this part of his documentary which give viewers reason to believe artwork has drastically changed over the years.  

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