Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Performance Art

In looking at performance art it became clear to us that there are many different interpretations of this term. It is possible to relate performance art to abstract expressionism through the use of "space" as the artist’s canvas. Artists such as Jackson Pollock refer to their work as "action painting" because he uses the floor as his canvas which provokes more movement while creating his art. Another aspect that defines performance art is time. Performance art takes time in preparation and often time in which the artist is displayed in their own work. One very famous performance artist is Marina Abramovic who points out that performance art differs greatly from theater. Abramovic claims that theater is “fake” while performance art is very real in both an emotional and physical sense. Abramovic has been known to hurt herself in creating performance artwork which is likely to adds to the powerful effect her performances has on the audience. Abramovic has also developed an idea in performance art everybody is an artist. Just like Abramovic people such as athletes put themselves through a great deal of pain to obtain an outcome for a passion of theirs. This particular aspect of Abramovic's thinking allows for people observing her art (us) to relate more deeply as it creates a stronger energy.

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